Welcome to the Greek Pan Macedonian Association of Qld
We are the Greek Pan Macedonian Association of Queensland based in Brisbane, Australia and our mission is to continue the legacy started back in 1975 in Queensland by our founding members in protecting the Hellenic origin of the name, history, and culture of Macedonia, to counter falsifications and distortions of history, to promote our Hellenic history and culture, to strengthen the educational and cultural lies between all Pan Macedonian associations throughout Australia and Greece and to ensure that our Association will continue our legacy for generations to come. >> Introducing our committee members
Calling for VolunteersWe're Back!! This year we will be participating in the Paniyiri and are very excited to be a stall holder. We are calling on friends and associates of the Greek Pan Macedonians to offer any assistance for the 18th and/or 19th of May 2013. Your help will make the event a huge success. If you are able to offer any help over the two days, please contact us and we'll let you know how you can assist us. Looking forward to seeing you all there. >> Paniyiri program
Greeks, we need your help!Please vote “YES” to Macedonia being Hellenic. For those of you that aren’t aware, Hellenic means “Greek”. This is the only way to vote. Your vote is anonymous and it counts towards confirming Greek history. History will be made again when we overwhelming relay the truth about the origins of Macedonia. Every vote counts. >> Vote YES to Macedonia being Hellenic